Project presentation via Zoom ‘To the Northwest! Intra Yugoslav Albanian migration (1953-1989)’ on Monday 07.12.2020, 17:00.

Project presentation: ‘To the Northwest! Intra Yugoslav Albanian migration (1953-1989) by Rory Archer and Mladen Zobec. Monday 07.12.2020, 17:00-18:00 Online (Zoom link: TBA) In this talk, CSEES researchers Rory Archer and Mladen Zobec present the research project “To the Northwest! Intra Yugoslav Albanian migration (1953-1989)” funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) which began earlier …

Read moreProject presentation via Zoom ‘To the Northwest! Intra Yugoslav Albanian migration (1953-1989)’ on Monday 07.12.2020, 17:00.

Modern History Colloquium (online) Winter semester 2020/2021

Due to the pandemic, the regular Modern History Colloquium at the University of Konstanz is entirely online. The advantage of this of course is that anyone can participate. Here is the programme which contains the respective zoom links for each session. Note that some sessions are in English, others are in German (Viel Spaß!)

Labor Studies in Working class history

Special section “New Perspectives on East European Labor History”

“New Perspectives on East European Labor History” a special section in Labor: Studies in Working-Class History (2020) 17(3) has recently been published. It features three articles by colleagues Anna De Luis, Annina Gagyiova and Adrian Grama, an Introduction by Goran Musich and myself. It is behind a paywall (here) but please feel free to contact …

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