I am a social historian of 20th century Southeast Europe originally from Ireland and based in Austria for the last decade. My research has focused on social history of Yugoslavia (labour history, gender history, socialism, housing, everyday life and popular culture). Methodologically, I have experience in working through oral history, grounded theory and other qualitative, interpretive methods which link social science approaches to social history research. My current research project (2020-2024) explores the history of intra-Yugoslav Albanian migration during late-socialism.
Since 2010 I have worked at the University of Graz as an assistant, lecturer and now as PI for the Albanian migration project. I was Mellon Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies from 2016-2018. I joined the Chair of East European History at Konstanz University in 2019 as a lecturer and postdoc. At the Central European University, Budapest (Nationalism Studies Program) and the University of Belgrade (Faculty for Political Sciences) I teach as a visiting lecturer.
In 2015 I was awarded my PhD in History of Southeast Europe at the University of Graz. My MA is in Nationalism Studies from the Central European University, Budapest (2009). I hold a BA in International Relations from Dublin City University (2008).
Curriculum Vitae
Latest update: November 2020